Weed Control

Controlling weeds in an Arizona lawn can be done through proper maintenance and persistence. Poor maintenance of the lawn contributes to weeds getting a roothold in your lawn. There are several preventive methods to control the emergence of weeds in your lawn, but sometimes even the best maintained turf sprouts a weed or two. Maintaining a consistent schedule of feeding, watering and mowing your lawn is the best way to prevent and control weeds on an Arizona lawn.

Weeds are plants growing where a landscaper does not want them. Lawn weeds can be removed before they grow by using a pre-emergent weed killer.

As a homeowner, member of a Home Owners Association or Commercial property owner, you are undoubtedly aware of the expense of continuous weed removal within your desert landscaping. At Rid-A-Bird, we provide weed programs as well. With the simple application of a pre-emergent herbicide to control future weed seed germination and an immediate follow up with a post emergent herbicide to control existing weeds, we can have your landscape clean and weed free in no time.


  • 6 months to 1 year applications
  • Post and Pre-Emergent
  • Residential/Commercial
  • No Hassle Re-Treats!
  • No Job too Big or Small!

Call for a Free Estimate!