Black Widow Spider Control for Phoenix Warehouses & Industrial Spaces

Fast, Safe & Effective Black Widow Removal for Your Business - Over 35 Years' Experience

Warehouses and industrial buildings are prime locations for black widow infestations. These spiders thrive in dark, undisturbed areas, making storage spaces, loading docks, and equipment rooms ideal hiding spots.

Why Black Widows Are a Serious Threat

  • Venomous Bites: The female black widow’s bite can cause severe pain, muscle cramps, nausea, and even fatal reactions in vulnerable individuals.
  • Workplace Safety Risk: Employees, clients, and customers are at risk if black widows infest common areas.
  • Rapid Infestation: A single female black widow can lay hundreds of eggs, leading to large populations in a short time.
  • Hidden Dangers: These spiders often go unnoticed until it's too late, lurking in corners, boxes, and equipment.

**If you suspect a black widow infestation in your warehouse or facility, don’t wait! Call us for professional removal.**

Black Widow Spider Control

Black Widow Spider Bite Symptoms

These spider bites can be painless when they occur or they can be painful. Within a couple of hours, you may have the following symptoms:

  • you may feel nauseous
  • your blood pressure may increase significantly
  • your chest may hurt and you may not be able to breath properly
  • you may have a bad headache and a fever along with chills.

Why are black widows common residents of warehouse facilities?

These spiders are loners (hence the name ‘widow’) and their habitat typically consists of dark places that are not disturbed often. Therefore, garages and warehouses that have goods which are left undisturbed for longer periods of time offer perfect opportunity for them to nest, eat, and breed. Although they prefer to be left alone and do not attack without accidental or purposeful provocation, they will bite if necessary to defend themselves. As stated above, this is a very bad thing and is not something that you even want to take the chance of occurring

What to do if you see black widow spiders

If you own or work for a company that uses warehouses or garages for storage or other purposes, especially if some areas are undisturbed for periods of time, you may have a black widow spider problem and not even know it.

Give us a call today at 623-587-0125. We can come and inspect the warehouse and take care of any spider and other pest problems that have incurred inside.